I'm starting to question my life choices...
I mean, I've managed all kinds of projects, produced countless videos, published a small game, decided to work on an animated feature film. All for one thing: to make some noise, get noticed and maybe even make a buck or two on the way. You know, the basics.
Alas, trapped within the confounds of my inflexible mind and obsolete world view I would never be able to come up with something as beautiful and inspiring as this:
Please, take a deep breath. Pause. Then repeat this once again, proud and aloud, and let it sink in:
This is exactly what you mean when you declare:
This is impressive. You need a special mind-set to come up with something as bizarre as this franchise and bring these games to fruition in the form of a real commercial projects and actually sell them.
But not just sell them. No-no-no! Sell them with a DLC. Yeah, just an innocent tiny $90 DLC. Which, naturally, gives the lucky player the power to zoom in and undress the characters.
Well, naturally.

Am I going to play this... game? Doubt it. Am I impressed by the mere fact that such a project exists and sells more or less well? Hell yeah!
Basic instincts, man... That's where it's at. Exploit and prosper. Seems like PQUBE LTD nailed it (he-he, get it?) when it comes to providing a quality product for their target audience. If it sells, it sells. Simple as that.
Screw the film! Forbes 100, here I come!