
CGI Сoffee

Run and Rock-it Kristie now completely free on the App Store

Run and rock-it Kristie, a "rayman-esque" iOS platformer was the first game I released publicly. Making the game was quite an experience, but seeing people actually play it was something else.

Less than a week after release it was featured on the European App Store as one of the best games of the week for iPad which was cool as hell.

Run and Rock-it Kristie featured on the App Store

Over half a year has passed since and I think it's time to let everyone experience the whole game for free. In the initial version only the first tour was available free of charge, and it wasn't the most exciting one of them all, which didn't quite let people truly experience the game and its mechanics. Hence, last week I finally decided to remove the only in-app purchase from the title and make it free for everyone to enjoy.

Run and Rock-it Kristie screenshots

So grab a copy of the game for yourself or your kids and have fun =)

Run and Rock-it Kristie menu

And maybe... Just maybe... Android port of the game might be in the works ;)